Sunday, August 06, 2006

Mark in Manila

I'm here in Batangas today with my nephew, Mark Malaya, the handsomest Malaya in San Francisco!

Mark is 13 years old and he's studying at Synergy School in California. He's the eldest son of my big brother, Ed Malaya.

He's here visiting us and having a vacation in his native land. He's here beside me and here's what he has to say. Take it away, Mark! --

Dear publics and commitees, homeless and yadda yadda yadda. I am not who you think I am. I am a cerial eater. I love to eat shortbread. Shortbread likes to eat me. By reading this you have given me brief control over your feeble minds, so therefore I am better than all of you.

I am your ruler from now on till an eternity has past. How long is an eternity you ask?............... I dont know so go to your local dictionary and look it up yourselves. The Philippines is my home for the rest of the 2 weeks I am staying there.

I have been in kokbangers {Bangkok} for five days and I saw my little cousin Michael, he is the whitest pinoy I know. We went on a tour to the "death bridge" (bridge over the river Kwai) but it was a pile of dirt. The tour could suck worse but it remainded so-so and I had a bad headache after the first 20 minutes in the "bus". The tour guides were all blargianthropnars. That is the end of my propaganda for the year.

That's what Mark has to say. Thanks, Mark!